


Thank you for your interest in Lórien Academy of the Arts! If you’ve made it this far, you likely share our belief in the value of art. The data confirms that you’re correct in that belief… even to the extent that a lack of access to art is one of the greatest disadvantages facing youth living in low-income households.

Inequitable access to art is too easily ignored. It’s ignored by most schools. It’s ignored by most of our society. Lórien Academy exists to address this inequity.

At the most basic human level, half of the human brain is primarily dedicated to creative, imaginative, and abstract thinking. This is a place where science and faith agree. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam share a belief in the book of Genesis that, “In the beginning, God created…” The means God is creative. God is imaginative. God is the Original Artist, if you will. Then, the first thing we learn about ourselves as humans is that we’re made in God’s image, meaning that all humans share God’s creative capacity.

If both of the above are true, then to provide access to art for youth & kids is to provide them with both the opportunity more fully develop their brains AND the opportunity to more fully their soul. In short, providing youth & kids access to art give them the opportunity to realize more fully their potential.

From a practical standpoint, art education and art experiences uniquely develop skill sets and mindsets necessary for future success. The World Economy Forum has projected the most in-demand job skills for the future. The Top-10 are nearly all related to creativity, innovation, and adaptability, which are skills developed most effectively in doing and engaging with art.

Access to art should be a basic human right. Our ability to provide this basic human right depends on your generosity. We would love for you to join us in this mission and truly change the life trajectory of a youth or child growing up without access to art. You can partner with us by sharing your time, talent, and/or treasure. We hope you’ll join us in creatively changing lives for the better!


Michael Khoe

Founder & Executive Director